Time Served & Probation for Multiple High Speed Chases & Stolen Property

Time Served & Probation for Multiple High Speed Chases & Stolen Property

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CC: 129(a) – Obstruct Peace Officer, s.334(b) – Theft x 2, s.249.1(1) – Fail to Stop Motor Vehicle in order to Evade a Peace Officer, s.430(1)(a) – Mischief, s.355(b) – Possession of Stolen Property – s.145(5) Fail to Attend Court x 3; TSA: s.53(1)(b) – Display unauthorized licence plate x 2, s.54(1)(a) – Drive without Insurance, s.94(2) – Drive while unauthorized x 3; s.166(2)(c) – Fail to Remain Stopped until Permitted to Leave by Peace Officer – PTA: s.2(1)(a) – Trespassing.


After having served numerous months in prison for engaging the police in a high speed car chase with his five year-old son as a passenger, my client became homeless, jobless and alone, surviving on the streets by stealing and squatting in other people’s property. After stealing gasoline, my client was pursued by the police. He initially pulled over, but then accelarated as the police officer approached his vehicle. The officer gave chase, but my client got away. 30 minutes later, the police caught up to him and again, he escaped after a high speed chase. My client had warrants for his arrest, he had no insurance and his license had been suspended for failing to pay child support. While on release for these offences, he stole a camping trailer, in order to have a place to live. Again, while on release, the police tried to detain my client for driving a vehicle with a license plate that belonged to a different vehicle. My client initially pulled over, but then sped away when the officer approached his window, causing the officer to run after the vehicle. He then engaged the police in a high speed chase, resulting in his escape, only to be tracked down and arrested shortly therafter. Again, while on release, my client continued to drive while unauthorized and with a licence plate that belonged to a different vehicle. He also failed to attend court on a few occasions. The final incident which caused him to remain detained until disposition is that he was found living inside someone’s camping trailer within the grounds of the storage facility. When the owner went to check on her trailer, she noticed that someone appeared to living inside. The police located my client hiding in the bathroom at the rear of the trailer. My client confessed to all of his crimes during police interviews.


A Pre-Sentence Report and a Psychological Assessment were completed prior to sentencing. He was sentenced to one day, no warrant of committal, taking into account nearly four months of pre-trial custody, followed by a period of probation for 18 months. He was also required to pay several fines in relation to the traffic safety offences.

Dangerous Driving Charge Reduced to a Ticket

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CC: s.249(1)(a) – Dangerous Driving


My client was driving one vehicle, while his friend was driving another. Both vehicles contained numerous other friends. They were driving fast through back alleys around their neighbourhood, following each other closely and causing people to jump out of the way. The alleys were very wet with numerous puddles of muddy water. A young mother was walking down the alley, holding her new born baby in her arms, when my client and his friend drove toward her, at a high rate of speed, and deliberately splashed her – twice. She and her baby were completely soaked with dirty water. As the vehicles continued driving, passengers in the second vehicle were hanging out of the window, pumping their fists, yelling “yes!”


Close to the day of trial, I persuaded the Crown to agree to resolve this matter by way of a guilty plea to a separate offence of “stunting,” under the Traffic Safety Act. The penalty consisted of only a $500 fine and 3 demerits. No criminal conviction.

No Jail for Violent Attack on Girlfriend and Car Chase Hit & Run

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CC: s.252(1)(b) – Hit and Run, s.266 – Assault, s.249(1)(a) – Dangerous Driving


My client met with his ex-girlfriend and her friend in a parking lot. He became enraged with her, swore at her and threatened her, then punched her in the face several times through her car window. When her friend tried to drive away, he pursued them in his truck, initially blocking their path, then chasing after them and overtaking them at a red light. When they tried to escape, by driving away in reverse, he chased after them, also in reverse, smashed into the front end of their vehicle, and then fled the scene.


On the day of trial, the complainant showed up, so he changed his plea to guilty on the assault and hit and run charges. The Crown withdrew the more serious dangerous driving charge. He paid a fine for his actions, compensated the owner of the vehicle for the cost of the insurance deductible and was placed on probation for one year. No jail.

No Jail for Suspended Driver Following 5th Impaired Conviction

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CC: s.259(4) – Drive While Disqualified and TSA; s.94(2) – Drive While Unauthorized


My client was caught driving while his operator’s license was suspended due to an impaired driving conviction, entered almost 12 months earlier. Because it was his 5th impaired driving conviction in the past 20 years, he was prohibited from operating a motor vehicle for 3 years.


The Crown was seeking a substantial period of incarceration and a further driving prohibition of 5 years. The standard penalty for this offence is for a period of incarceration, even for a first offence. However, the judge agreed with my submissions instead, that incarceration was not required in my client’s particular circumstances, and imposed a $2000 fine and the minimum driving prohibition of 3 years. After 12 months, he will again be eligible to drive with an alcohol ignition interlock device. No jail.

Charges Withdrawn on Subsequent Impaired Hit and Run

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CC: s.259(4) – Driving while Disqualified, s.252(1)(B) – Hit and Run; TSA: s.167(A)(A) – No Licence, s.115(2)(B) – Careless Driving, s.167(1)(C) – Fail to Produce Insurance, s.54(1)(A) – Drive with no Insurance, s.94(2) – Drive while Unauthorized.


My client was a suspended driver due to an Impaired/Refusal conviction. While driving his vehicle, he lost control and slid into a parked vehicle. He failed to remain at the scene and drove away without making any attempt to contact the owner. This was observed by 5 witnesses.


After resolution discussions with the Crown, all charges and tickets were withdrawn. No criminal convictions.