• The Petty Trespass Act
  • The Gaming and Liquor Act
  • The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
  • The Emergency Protection Act
  • The Railway Safety Act
  • The Traffic Safety Act
  • The Fair Trading Act
  • The Workers Compensation Act
  • The Rules of the Road Regulation
  • The Protection Against Family Violence Act
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    Statutory & Regulatory Offences Lawyer In Calgary


    The following is a sampling of Provincial and Federal Acts, which contain a variety of offences that sometimes appear in provincial court and sometimes form part of criminal proceedings.

    Note: Each Act has any number of accompanying Regulations, which provide further offences.

    Some Provincial Acts:

    Alberta Health Act
    Alberta Housing Act
    Animal Protection Act
    Consumer Protection Act
    Corrections Act
    Criminal Notoriety Act
    Dangerous Dogs Act
    Environmental Protection Act
    Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act
    Insurance Act
    International Child Abduction Act
    Judicature Act
    Justice of the Peace Act
    Legal Profession Act
    Limitations Act
    Mental Health Act
    Petty Trespass Act
    Police Act
    Provincial Administrative Penalties Act
    Provincial Court Act
    Provincial Offences Procedure Act
    Provincial Parks Act
    Public Health Act
    Railway Act
    Recording of Evidence Act
    Respecting Property Rights Act
    Safety Codes Act
    Sale of Goods Act
    Securities Act
    Traffic Safety Act
    Trespass to Premises Act
    Victims of Crime and Public Safety Act
    Youth Justice Act

    Some Federal Acts:

    Access to Information Act
    Anti-Terrorism Act
    Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
    Bills of Exchange Act
    Canada Border Services Agency Act
    Canada Evidence Act
    Canada Health Act
    Canada National Parks Act
    Canadian Bill of Rights
    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    Canadian Environmental Protection Act
    Canadian Human Rights Act
    Canadian Victims Bill of Rights
    Cannabis Act
    Citizenship Act
    Civil Marriage Act
    Competition Act
    Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
    Corrections and Conditional Release Act
    Courts Administration Service Act
    Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act
    Criminal Code
    Criminal Records Act
    Customs Act
    DNA Identifications Act
    Extradition Act
    Federal Courts Act
    Firearms Act
    Fisheries Act
    Food and Drugs Act
    Identification of Criminals Act
    Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
    Income Tax Act
    Interest Act
    International Transfer of Offenders Act
    Judges Act
    National Security Act
    Prevention of Terrorist Travel Act
    Privacy Act
    Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act
    Public Officers Act
    Public Safety Act
    Railway Safety Act
    Sex Offender Information Registries Act
    Tobacco and Vaping Products Act
    Youth Criminal Justice Act


    Charges Withdrawn Because Accused Too Drunk

    Drugs and Loaded Firearms in National Park Charges Withdrawn


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