No Jail for Violent Attack on Girlfriend and Car Chase Hit & Run
CC: s.252(1)(b) – Hit and Run, s.266 – Assault, s.249(1)(a) – Dangerous Driving
My client met with his ex-girlfriend and her friend in a parking lot. He became enraged with her, swore at her and threatened her, then punched her in the face several times through her car window. When her friend tried to drive away, he pursued them in his truck, initially blocking their path, then chasing after them and overtaking them at a red light. When they tried to escape, by driving away in reverse, he chased after them, also in reverse, smashed into the front end of their vehicle, and then fled the scene.
On the day of trial, the complainant showed up, so he changed his plea to guilty on the assault and hit and run charges. The Crown withdrew the more serious dangerous driving charge. He paid a fine for his actions, compensated the owner of the vehicle for the cost of the insurance deductible and was placed on probation for one year. No jail.