Armed Robbery of Liquor Store (Calgary) – Time Served & Probation

CC: s.344(1)(B) – Armed Robbery, s.351(2) – Face Masked While Committing an Indictable Offence, s.266 – Assault

My client tried to rob a liquor store at gun point, wearing pyjamas, a hoody and a scarf over her face.  She was highly intoxicated.  She pointed an imitation firearm (a BB handgun) at the store clerk and said: “Give me all your money.”  The clerk immediately rushed my client, grabbed the gun from her, and had a customer hold her down until the police arrived. She also had an outstanding assault charge from a different incident.

My client was initially denied bail in Provincial Court when she had a different lawyer.  Months later, her father retained me.  I was able to get her out of jail with a sentence of time served plus probation.