Violent Home Invasion Attack – Peace Bond (Charges Withdrawn)
CC: s.348(1)(b)/268 – Break and Enter a Dwelling and Commit Aggravated Assault, s.348(1)(b)/430 – Break and Enter a Dwelling and Commit Mischief, s.88(1) – Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose, s.264(1)(a) – Uttering Threats, s.145(5.1) – Unlawfully at Large.
My client, his father and other family members, broke into someone’s house to get revenge for an earlier incident where his younger brother had been stabbed. They vandalized his house, smashed his windows and attacked him with weapons. He was hit in the head with a golf club, hit with a baseball bat, his arm was broken with a steel pipe, he was also punched repeatedly and slashed with a knife.
On the day of trial, I resolved his matters with a common law peace bond for 6 months. All charges were withdrawn